
suomi-englanti sanakirja

juuri englanniksi

  1. (noun form of)

  2. root (gloss)

  3. foot, base (gloss)

  4. cause, origin, tradition

  5. (syn)

  6. (ellipsis of)

  7. root

  8. zero, root (gloss)

  9. root, word root

  10. right, just, exactly, precisely

  11. (uxi)


  12. now; very close to now, either presently, (very) recently or (very) shortly, about

  13. hardly, (not) that much, (not) that many

  14. barely, just barely, about

  15. (infl of)

  16. root

  17. (RQ:izh:Loonnontiito-1:1937)

  18. roots, ancestry

  19. (RQ:Inkeri)

  20. (l) ((taxfmt))